
Chad Lucas is a freelance writer, musician and wannabe novelist living in Nova Scotia with his wife and four rambunctious kids. The Lucas Adventures is, obviously, about the adventures of the Lucas family. Of which there are many. Adventures, that is. (Well, Lucases too.)

10 responses to “About

  1. You have such an amazing story! I got the link for your blog from your article in The Chronicle Herald this morning and have been blessed through reading your daughter’s adoption story and her journey with her cochlear implants. (I have worked in the field of audiology and am returning to school this fall to study to be an audiologist).

    Your faithfulness in trusting God through these adventures is also evident. As a believer, it is not hard to tell that you and your wife are very in-tune with God about the path that you are meant to be on.

    Many blessings and I look forward to keeping up with your adventures!

  2. I also read your article in The Chronicle Herald and just now have the time to comment. We have 5 children ages 12-17yrs and 2 have Cerebral Palsy. Although life has gotten easier over the years, at first having 5 children under 4.5 years old was definitely busy, especially when 3 are under 1 yr ( twins and a sister only 8.5 months older!). I needed to be a stay at home mom to care for our twins with CP, so money has always been an issue. I wouldn’t change anything and have learned lots.
    I also often have people tell me that when they find it hard, they think of our household!

    Looking forward to reading your blog!

  3. Hi Chad,

    I enjoyed your column today, Sept. 12. We have three home school families in the church I pastor in Lunenburg. One lady was the head of the homeschoolers assoc. for NS for a number of years, Jennie Ernst of the well known Ernst Family Singers.
    I just wanted to send this link of a funny video on youtube by Tim Hawkins, a former pastor called “The Home School Family”. I realize you may have seen it but if not, enjoy!

    Blessings on you all!
    Steve Hiltz

  4. Chad – you can tell your son that it’s possible to grow melons in Nova Scotia. Sugar Baby is a small red watermelon; see from Vesey’s on PEI. Sun Jewel is a Korean honeydew; seed from Johnny’s in Maine. They do require space, being a vine plant. We grow them successfully in the Valley, although crows like to eat them.

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